Saturday, 9 December 2006

The Story So Far

Hello, and welcome to MacTab, the blog about Mac Tablets (do you see how clever that name is? It's all going to be quality like that from here on in). More precisely, this is the blog about my attempts at getting Mac OS X running on a Tablet PC.

"What?" you ask. "Why? How?" Okay, let me explain.

I have a sneaking suspicion that pen-based Mac OS computing may just be the greatest thing ever. Yes, it may even be insanely great. Only time will tell. I can back this up with a whole load of stunningly well reasoned arguments and air-tight logic, but that will have to wait for another post on another day. I'm not stalling, honest, I just need more time to assemble the links and references and stuff. Yes, really.

Anyway, I don't think I'm alone in my belief in pen-based Mac-ing. In fact, considering the extremes some people will go to attain computing nirvana, my attempts are likely to seem rather half-hearted. I don't intend to do anything nearly that drastic (or warranty voiding). This is mostly because I lack the putting-stuff-together skills necessary. (Although, oddly enough, I do currently have a disassembled iBook handy. Maybe I could make one of these. Hmm... No, probably not.)

So what is my plan, then? Well, actually, I currently have three:

Plan One: Wait for Apple to do it for me

All things considered, this would be the most sensible thing to do. After all, if anyone knows how to do a Mac right, it's Apple, and if the recent rumours are anything to go by, we won't have to wait too long either. Probably a lot less than the 1174 days Acquisition tells me it'll take to finish downloading umm... something... yeah. Never mind.

We've been here before with the Mac tablet rumours. They come around again about every six months or so. I think we're more likely to see the iPhone some time soon. Not that I'm not hopeful. In fact, I know it's going to happen. This blog's sole aim is to make it happen sooner rather than later. The way I see it panning out is like this: I spend a couple of months and some cash following Plan Three below, and the day it all comes together, the day I can take my first proper "hello" screen shot, Steve Jobs will "one more thing" the MacPad (or whatever they call it) into existence. Just like they launched the Core 2 Duo MacBook Pros the day after I finally gave up waiting and bought a now-oh-so-antiquated first generation MBP.

Plan Two: Wait for Someone Else to do it for me

Like Plan One, this has the advantage that I don't actually have to do anything, leaving my time free for reading Crazy Apple Rumours and other important stuff. However, if this is anything to go by, I really shouldn't hold my breath. (No offence meant if this is your page, but really, it's looking a little empty in there. Tell you what, when I get something useful I'll add it.)

The OSx86 Project has a lot of useful information and links, with a really active community in their forum, but nothing tablet specific. I shall probably be making plenty of use of them as a fall back on...

Plan Three: Do it myself

I've been thinking about this for a while, on and off. Mostly off, but when it's on it's really on. Like I said, I really think that the pen-thing is the way to go, and I've lost count of the number of times I've sat down to try and Google a way of making it happen. But then something else comes up. You know how it is. And that is what this blog is mostly about. I thought, this time, if I make it more formal, I wouldn't be able to back out. So here goes nothing.

Feel free to offer a little encouragement.

(Alternatively, if you know this has already been done, let me know and then we can all go home early.)

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