Saturday, 6 January 2007

I Woz just gonna say...

Oh, yeah. Sorry, but the sudden introduction of Monkey at the end of the last post made me forget to add "one last thing". Probably best, 'cause it was starting to get a little long.

Anyway, one of the possible implementations of a Mac Tablet which has been mooted is as some form of fancy remote control, either tied to the thing which won't be called the iTV, or as some kind of wider home automation device. Now, this brought a knowing smirk to my ugly mug because I've just finished reading iWoz, which as I'm sure you're aware is Steve Wozniak's autobiography. Something which I didn't know (but which maybe you did but just weren't letting on) was that after inventing the computer (or whatever he did) and crashing his plane, Woz then left Apple to start another company building... universal remote controls! (Or rather, inventing the universal remote control, and then building them.)

So if Apple were to release a glorified remote of their own, it would just be so... poetic.