Monday 11 December 2006


Hmm... 48 hours in and 565Mb down. That's just around 20%. And I don't even want to think about the average transfer speed. Yes, I do have broadband, in case you're wondering. The thought of ever trying to do this over dial-up... I shudder.

In case you're wondering, I'm trying (and succeeding, albeit slowly) to download a Mac OS X disc image. Was that a shocked collective intake of breath I just heard? Too right. I wish I didn't have to do it this way, too, and not just because it looks like I'm still going to be waiting this time next week.

I already have a Mac OS X for Intel DVD, the one which came with my MBP. I would much prefer to use this, patching it into a compatible state. There would be far less to download, plus it would give me a better idea of what needs changing in order to get proper OS X to run on non-Apple hardware. Educational, quicker and less, well... dodgy. Unfortunately, this isn't an option. (I do like it when other people ask my stupid questions for me.)

So I had to hit the torrents. Now, I'm sure that I'm nowhere near being the most profligate of pilferers out there, but it still makes me feel kind of dirty. Nevertheless, telling myself it's all for the greater good I gave my morals the slip and went ahead anyway.

(Before anybody asks, sorry, I'm not going to tell you where to go to get the downloads. I could give you a list of reasons for this decision but I think they have already been summed-up pretty well in this post here.)

So, 48 hours later and here we are. I'm happy to report that the download has speeded up a little today. I guess the moral is not to try this at the weekends. Not sure why: I would have thought that business use would easily have swamped home consumption, bandwidth-wise. Maybe it was just an issue on my immediate (residential) bit of the 'net. All those people spending Saturday and Sunday downloading ripped CDs. tssk. It shouldn't be allowed.

Anyway, now there are only "2 days remaining", apparently. I really should find something more constructive to do to pass the time.

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